The Microchip and the Mark of the Beast - Interview with Dr. Carl W. Sanders"Dr Carl W. Sanders is an electronics engineer, inventor, author and consultant to various government organizations as well as IBM, General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyne. He is also a winner of the Presidents and Governors Award for Design
Excellence."Thirty two years of my life was spent in design engineering and electronics designing microchips in the Bio-Med field. In 1968 I became involved, almost by accident, in a research and development project in regard to a spinal bypass for a young lady who had severed her spine. They were looking at possibly being able to connect motor nerves etc. It was a project we were all excited about. There were 100 people involved and I was senior engineer in charge of the project. This project culminated in the microchip that we talk about now a - microchip that I believe is going to be the positive identification and mark of the beast.
This microchip is recharged by body temperature changes. Obviously you can't go in and have your battery changed every so often, so the microchip has a recharging circuit that charges based upon the body temperature changes. Over one and a half
million dollars was spent finding out that the two places in the body that the temperature changes the most rapidly are in the forehead (primary position), right below the hairline, and the back of the hand (alternative position).Working on the microchip, we had no idea about it ever being an identification chip. We looked at it as being a very humanitarian thing to do. We were all excited about what we were doing. We were doing high-level integration for the very first
time. This team was made up of people out of San Jose, people from Motorola, General Electric, Boston Medical Center - it was quite a group of people.My responsibility had to do with the design of the chip itself, not the medical side of if. As the chip came to evolve, there came a time in the project when they said that the financial return on bypassing severed spines is not a very lucrative thing for us to be into, so we really need to look at some other areas. We noticed that the frequency of the chip had a great effect upon behavior and so we began to branch off and look possibly at behavior modification.
The project almost turned into electronic acupuncture because what they ended up with was embedding the microchip to put out a signal which effected certain areas. They were able to determine that you could cause behavioral change. One of the
projects was called the Phoenix project which had to do with Vietnam veterans. We had a chip that was called the Rambo chip. This chip would actually cause extra adrenaline flow.I wonder how many of you know that if you can stop the output of the the pituitary gland (the signal from the pituitary gland that causes oestrogen flow), you can put a person into instant menopause and there is no conception. This was tested in India and other different parts of the world. So here you have got a birth control tool, based on a microchip.
Microchips can also be used for migraine headaches, behavior modification, upper/downer, sexual stimulant and sexual depressant. This is nothing more that electronic acupuncture, folks. There are 250,000 components in the microchip, including a tiny lithium battery. I fought them over using lithium as a battery source but NASA was doing a lot with lithium at that time and it was the going thing. I had talked to a doctor at the Boston Medical Center about what that concentration of lithium in the body could do if the chip broke down. He said that you would get a boil or grievous sore.
As the development moved along, I left the project and came back as a consultant several times. I was used in many meetings as an expert witness in regard to the uses of the microchip. I was in one meeting where it was discussed. How can you control
a people if you can't identify them ?" All of a sudden the idea came: "Lets make them aware of lost children, etc." This was discussed in meetings almost like people were cattle. The CIA came up with an idea of putting pictures of lost children on milk
cartons. Since the chip is now accepted, you don't see the pictures anymore, do you. It's served it's purpose. As we developed this microchip, as the identification chip became the focal point, there were several things that were wanted. They wanted a
name, an image (picture of your face), Social security number with the international digits on it, finger print identification, physical description, family history, address, occupation, income tax information and criminal record.